Aircraft Techincian Training Program

The Accra MRO Project is the first-of-its-kind independent aviation technical support services facility in Africa to be located at the Kotoka International Airport in Ghana. The facility will consist of Maintenance Hangars and Aviation Training Academy infrastructure including state-of-the-art workshop facilities, training equipment and Advanced AI and intelligent maintenance solutions training gear. The reality is that the youth lack the requisite skills and will not be able to benefit from the multiple learning and employment opportunities the Accra MRO Project will create. Aerojet Foundation has therefore taken up the mantle to undertake the training and human capital development for this unique initiative for the benefit of African youth.

The Foundation will support youth in Ghana and West and Central Africa who show promise and meet the requirements by providing scholarships for tuition as well as non tuition support. In addition, the Aerojet Foundation is keen on contributing to SGD Goal 5 by increasing and promoting the inclusion of girls and young women in this training programs. This will be critical in helping to increase the number of women in the aviation sector and specifically in Engineering. The Foundation has a starting target of 30% inclusion of girls for each batch of trainees to be enrolled.

The four-year Certified Aircraft Technician Program approved by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), will consist of mandatory regulatory experience on ‘live’ aircraft as well as the completion of 13 different Theory and Practical Modules to ensure a full working knowledge of every aspect of an aircraft. Upon completion, each student will become a fully licensed Aircraft Technician under European Aviation Standards. The Foundation is committed to working with partner organizations over the long-term to create a sustainable pipeline of trainees through school career fairs and other
outreach activities to create the awareness and interest, in order to for Africa not to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

STEM Initiatives for High Schools

As a way to increase interest in aviation and STEM related careers and to serve as a feeder program for the training academy which will further serve as a preparatory program for students interested in STEM careers. The STEM high school program will include STEM fairs, science exposure seminars and field trips. Visits to Aircraft Hangars, info sessions with Pilots, Aircraft Technicians, Air Traffic Controllers, in flight experience and simulations, etc will all be a part of this program. The Foundation hopes to enroll 150 -200 high school students onto our STEM initiative every year from 2023.


Due to the transferability of the skills acquired on the course to other sectors such as the automotive, oil and gas and mining industries, graduates will have multiple options after they complete the training program which all lead to lifelong careers. The skills acquired in the Academy will guarantee careers with Aerojet Aviation that pay over 1000% above the minimum wage in Ghana and countries in the designated region; this will significantly improve the economic circumstances and standard of living for beneficiaries of the program.

Alternative and Ad Hoc forms of Support

While there is a need to cover students’ tuition for this most sought-after qualification being offered by the Training Academy, there are other areas of support that the training program will continually need support with. Some of these include;

  • Students’ Accommodation
  • Students’ Upkeep during the course (Food, Healthcare, Utilities, etc)
  • Accommodation & Transport for visiting instructors.
  • Upkeep for Visiting Instructors
  • Teaching and Learning Aides (Computers, Tablets, Electronic Teaching Boards, stationery)
  • Workshop Equipment, rigs, supplies and other apparatus)
  • Engine and starter motor parts, aircraft parts and a full non-functional mock[1]up aircraft for practical in year 3 of the program.
  • Tooling and Safety Gear (Pro Toolboxes, Clothing, boots, gloves, safety glasses, chemical washes, etc)
  • Marketing drives and outreach to youth, career fairs, etc; with particular attention on pushing for girls to apply. Current female participation numbers could be better